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Sacred Sedona ~ Awakening to your Soul's Divine Nature

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Sedona Arizona 5 DAYS 2775.00- 3225.00 Depending on Room type

Why Sedona?

Sedona is considered by many to be one of the most sacred places on earth --similar in its power to Stonehenge in England, the Great Pyramids in Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru and Mt. Shasta in Oregon. 

Since ancient times, people have embarked on pilgrimages or "Sacred Journeys" to energetically aligned sites in order to reclaim energy, access Divine Wisdom and connect to something deeper within themselves.

Just as our bodies have chakras, or energy centers, so too does Mother Earth.  Sedona is considered one of the areas where these energy centers, known as "vortexes" are felt strongly by many spiritual seekers.  

This "life-force" energy of Mother Earth is a powerful part of the transformational experience in Sedona. It can help you positively heal by bringing up emotions that are ready to be worked through, and bring you into alignment with your True, Divine Self.  Sedona is also an AMPLIFIER.  Every intention we put out into the Universe is made manifest more quickly by accessing Mother Earth's Sacred energy.  The native people of this land and all humans for generations have felt the sacredness of this area.

So, get ready for this Sacred Journey of fun, tears, laughter, transformation, soul growth and most of all CONNECTION -- to your own Divinity and to the community of Soul Sisters joining us on this adventure.   

Day 1: Arrival in Sedona, Transformation Home

Upon arrival at the Phoenix airport, cars/private shuttles will whisk us off our final destination - Transformation Country Home.

Nestled near the Cathedral Rock vortex, Transformation Home is a private, 5 bedroom retreat home, just a short walk from the sacred waters of Oak Creek.

Enjoy meeting your fellow soul sisters with our welcome meal and opening sacred Intention Setting Ceremony.

Two full meals and snacks - nutritious, healthy and delicious - are included during the entire retreat.

Day 2: Release

Today highlight will be a journey to several of the Votexes of Sedona that Sedona is so well-known for -- Plateau Overlook, Schnebly Hill and  Boynton Canyon.

We will learn the Native American history of the area and experience a  powerful drumming ceremony as we release everything that no longer serves us... old thought patterns, stuck energy and everything holding us back from BEING our true, authentic selves!   We release it all into the vortex of Mother Earth Energy of Boynton Canyon.

Day 3: Renew

Today we journey again with local spiritual guide into the Sacred Waters of Oak Creek and the Camp Avalon Spiritual Nature Retreat.

The Cosmic Wheel of Destiny Ceremony will help us discover the quiet place inside ourselves and who we are called to be!   As we let our connection with the Divine and nature flow through our souls, we will be led to find even deeper healing, clarity and peace of mind. 

Feel rejuvenated, cleansed and born again into your next chapter.

Day 4: Rejoice

Today we celebrate our new, awakened energy, feeling more connected to our True Nature.    A visit to the Chapel of the Holy Cross will show us the beauty and magnificence that strong spiritual alignment are capable of creating in the modern world.

Then on Bell Rock, another vortex site to reconnect with our own beauty and magnificence -- and envision the future we each intend to create in our lives.

This afternoon we head to Tlaquepaque for an unforgettable arts and shopping experience.

Day 5: Return Home

 Refreshed and renewed with our whole Divine Selves, We say "until we meet again" to our new circle of soul sisters as we depart for home.

Shuttles and cars will return you in time for your return flight.    

Arrive home energized and excited to bring your full authentic selves to your home, family, work and community.

About your Retreat Leader, Sandy Tomey

Sandy is a certified Love, Life & Relationship Coach.  She specializes in facilitating sacred energy healing ceremonies for healing from grief, heartache and loss.  She helps her clients use that awakened energy to manifest the life they love, as well as attract the love of their life and heal all their important relationships -- most importantly the one with themselves!  She has been leading retreats for over 10 years and she can't wait to share her special connection to Sedona with you! 


Keep Scrolling to choose YOUR Sacred Space for this Retreat!

Daylily Room

Beds can be either 1 King or 2 Twins - shared bathroom

Lavender Room

2  Beds - shared bathroom

Marigold Room

Beds can be either 1 King or 2 Twins - shared bathroom

Periwinkle Suite

1 King Bed with Private full bathroom

Serenity Loft

Beds can be either 1 King or 2 Twins - shared bathroom